kits are little scuptures made by artists in small quantities
that you can build and paint yourself.
The place to find them is
Gremlins in the Garage!
Watch out! There are artistic little gremlins banging away creating things in garages all over the world! And you just stumbled into the center of their web! Those gremlins are figure model kit sculptors, producers, and builders who pour their souls over a lump of clay to breathe life into it. Often alone in their garages and workshops, their visions are created out of a passion for their subjects.
We hope to give you a taste of this community and entice you to follow the paths we have created that will transform you into...
Do you feel your skin starting to get slippery? Are your teeth becoming sharper? Is your mind bubbling over with mischevious thoughts? Then complete the transformation! Follow the final path to Gremlins in the Garage!
You will never have to feel the pain of the sunlight again...
The Gremlins in the Garage webzine is a production of Firefly Design. If you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
Copyright © 1994-2004 Firefly Design.