are a lot of sources available for you to get more information.
For information on shows, company contacts, magazines, videos,
related web sites, and more, please look first in the
Resources section.
Kit Companies
Gremlins in the Garage is an Internet based magazine and does not
sell kits. But we do host web pages for the kit companies that
are our sponsors and you can find their catalogs in the
Garages section.
If you are looking for information on a specific kit that you have
seen on this web site please contact the kit company directly. You
can also find contact information for other companies from the
Companies page in
the Resources section.
Do not send mail to Gremlins in the Garage to reach one of the kit
companies, please contact them directly. If you can't find contact
information for a kit company on the
page, please ask for it on one of the
mailing lists. If you find out new
contact information please contact Gremlins in the Garage so that
we can add it to the companies page.
Mailing Lists
If you have general figure kit related questions please try out
the gremlins
mailing lists.
There are a lot of people on these
lists that have the latest info and are glad to help out fellow
modelers. You can subscribe and unsunbscribe yourself from the
mailing lists whenever you like. This is the best place to ask
about kit building/painting/sculpting/molding techniques, where
to buy kits, etc.
If you have questions about how to add your own information to
the Gremlins in the Garage web site then please join the members
mailing list. The people
on that list have been through the process before and should be
able to help out.
Gremlins In The Garage!
If your questions and/or comments do not fit into any of the
previous categories then please contact Gremlins in the Garage.
It may take a week or so to get back
to you since this web site is currently run by a single person.
It's always nice to get some feedback on what you think of the
site, so please get in touch and let us know!
You can make contact in one of the following ways:
- Send e-mail to
- Send snail mail to:
Gremlins in the Garage!
Attn: Denis Bohm
240 Los Altos Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94022
The Gremlins in the Garage webzine is a production of
Firefly Design. If you have any questions or comments please
get in touch.
Copyright © 1994-2004
Firefly Design.