Who are the people in your company?
Just Me! However I have to give special recognition to some of the people
who have supported me and provided me with inspiration to go on when things
have gotten tough.
Matt Mcwhirt of "The Shape of Things" has been instrumental in providing my
kit production on all of my Urethane based products. The sculptors I have
worked with include John Schneider, Bill Merklein, Randy Bowen, David Fisher,
Tom Sasser, Jim Fawkes, Bruce Turner & Rick Wyatt. Graphic Artists &
Illustrators who have lent their talents include Kevin Butterfield, Jeffrey
Busch, Ken Cox, Anthony Carpenter & Wayne Meyer.
What is the history behind the formation of your company?
Same old story...
Former Aurora builder gets sick of looking at bad paint jobs he did (as a
kid) so he blows them up with M-80s (as a teenager). In his early 30's, he
stumbles onto a copy of Model and Toy Collector and is bitten by the nostalgia bug.
What kits have you done in the past?
How do you pick the subjects for your kits?
I wanted to license, as opposed to pirating the characters I liked.
Affordable licenses are, sometimes, hard to find. I keyed in on those
characters I both liked and could afford.
How do you view packaging (box art, cover art, etc)?
All of my kits have had full color box art, except the bust. I don't think
it is absolutely necessary, but since I liked color box art, I provided it
for most of my kits. Original paintings were created for all of the Dark
Shadows kits and for the Masque kit. Color photographic art was created for
the Monster Posse and Toxic Avenger kits.
What are your future directions?
I have to finish the Metropolis Film Poster Plaque, first. The rest hasn't
been figured out yet. I would like to try some finished figurines and busts.
The Gremlins in the Garage webzine is a production of Firefly Design. If you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
Copyright © 1994-1997 Firefly Design.